It’s been a while since I’ve talked about Star Pirates, but with Zortic and the gang battling Star Pirates it seemed like a good excuse to update you on the game. There have been some great additions to the game since it started and it’s given players a lot more opportunity for customization, creativity and immersion.
The main theme of the game continues to be a fast and streamlined approach that can be played quickly and cleanly anywhere. With more small scale web interfaces making their appearance, this kind of text based gaming has a whole new world of potential. Admit it, have you even tried playing World of Warcraft on that fancy new iPad you just bought? Or iPhone? Or Droid? Basically you can play Star Pirates on anything that has internet access.
In my opinion, one of the nicest changes is the addition of some nice graphics to many of the game elements; nothing too big and fancy, but just a little something to give your imagination a kick start. For example, each class of ship now has a basic, distinctive design. That alone gives the game a little more character, but then there’s the ability to customize the paint job on your ship to give it a unique look, if you and your friends want to unify your fleet with some team colors, you can do that. You can make this game your own!
The game has also deepened the role playing aspect by creating missions that you can take some time going through. These text based missions maintain the simplicity of a “choose your own adventure” story, but they’re a great addition to the normal raids and expeditions that make up the rest of the game. But the best part of the missions is that you can exercise your own creativity and imagination by creating them yourself. Sure, that means that everyone else has been creating them to, so there’s a pretty wide range of quality in these missions. However, there’s also a rating system that allows you to endorse good missions and warn others away from the not so good ones. But if you stick to the 5 star missions, they can really be a fantastic way to further immerse yourself in the universe.
But really the best reason for getting into a game like this is the people. And this game has some of the best operators and players of any game I’ve ever met; both support staff and fellow players. It really is a great experience and well worth taking the time to enjoy… And it’s free!!!
So jump in and give it a try. Look me up, I’m Zortic in the game (big surprise) and join the Fleet Zoie’s Roughnecks, it’s a great team run by Zortic fans for Zortic fans (contact Hogan or Star Gazer for lots of great help and info).