Getting Away From It All – Act III Scene 5
PAN TO INT –Night, Mark is sitting in a director’s chair shaking his head. MARK Splink just doesn’t seem to get it.
PAN TO INT –Night, Mark is sitting in a director’s chair shaking his head. MARK Splink just doesn’t seem to get it.
CUT TO EXT –Day, in a striped vest and straw hat, Mark stands on the stage of a huckster’s wagon. MARK The trick is to know your audience and give them what they want!
CUT TO INT –Night, Mark is sitting chained up in a dungeon. MARK It’s definitely not the kind of plan you want to think too much about.
CUT TO INT –Night, Mark is sitting next to Chewbacca piloting an imperial shuttle. MARK Splink does had that Wookie crazy hair thing going on.
PAN TO INT –Night, standing on the other side of Zoie, Mark raises his finger to make a point, then thinks better of it and slowly lowers his hands back to his pockets.
CUT TO INT –Day, Mark is standing in front of a janitor’s closet wearing coveralls. MARK It’s nice to see that even during a crisis Splink is conscious of keeping everything ship shape.
CUT TO INT –Day, a doctor’s office where Mark is standing in a lab coat in front of an eye exam chart. MARK Obviously they can’t see a thing in those helmets.
CUT TO INT –night, Mark is standing on a classical stage dressed as a large operatic viking woman. MARK Who says those have to be famous last words.
PAN TO INT – Day, Mark is laying passed out in the corner wearing a party hat with a noise maker hanging out of his mouth.
CUT TO INT – Day, a comic book store where Mark is browsing the collectibles aisle. MARK It’s nice to see that Zortic is spending his money on something other than action figures.