Archive for red-bimbo
I never really did figure out how or why Red got up into that drapery. But it made for a nice dramatic surprise.
Here’s where I start bringing in some of the obscure references. The old Errol Flynn movie Seahawks is one of my favorites and was the inspiration for this fight.
I really wanted to explore alternate layouts that would read right without having to rely on directional arrows and tricks like that. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.
This is a classic image that I really should do more with sometime. You don’t often see a gender switched version of the Jabba the Hutt/Princess Leia scene.
Yup, everyone should recognize the classic James Bond introduction. Although it happened in most of the movies, this was taken from the original introduction in Dr. No. Although the villain petting their cat didn’t come in until later.
Another little known fact about Captain Cutter, he got his name from an obscure TV series in the 80s; Tales of the Gold Monkey. Anyone remember that one?
A New Adventure 13
It’s kind of a mixed blessing to go back and relive these old strips. I know a lot of people like to see the artistic development, but it does kind of make me cringe.